the purchase of plants in Spain.
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Spanish plants of exceptional quality
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Quality control
Our extensive market presence ensures we deliver the best plants from the best growers.
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Centralized purchasing
Stop wasting time buying from different growers. We are a “one stop shop” for all the plants you need.
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Rapid location of plants
Get prices and availability for over 3000 plants in less than 48 hours.
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Our Solidarity
IF PLANTS, has been contributing to the local community since 2015. Every year we fund a local NGO.
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Our plants
- all
- A unique collection of majestic trees
- All shapes and varieties
- Both evergreen and deciduous trees
- Chamaerops, Phoenix, Trachycarpus, Washingtonia and other species
- Cultivated and recovered
- Hedging and flowering shrubs of all sizes
- More than 250 references
- Of all varieties and sizes
- Young, centenary and millenary olive trees

Olive Trees
Young, centenary and millenary olive treesOlive Trees
Young, centenary and millenary olive trees
Palm Trees
Chamaerops, Phoenix, Trachycarpus, Washingtonia and other speciesPalm Trees
Chamaerops, Phoenix, Trachycarpus, Washingtonia and other species
Conifers and Pines
Of all varieties and sizesConifers and Pines
Of all varieties and sizes
Trees in pot and in Rootball
Both evergreen and deciduous treesTrees in pot and in Rootball
Both evergreen and deciduous trees
Citrics and Fruit Trees
Cultivated and recoveredCitrics and Fruit Trees
Cultivated and recovered
Yucca, Cacti and Succulents
More than 250 referencesYucca, Cacti and Succulents
More than 250 references
Monumental Trees
A unique collection of majestic treesMonumental Trees
A unique collection of majestic trees
Hectares in production


Plants 2022

